The Prefix For The Bot Is bb!
Use it before the following commands
Text Commands
- 2-10poll <text>– Reacts to the message with the number of emojis selected (i,e 2poll has reactions 1 2)
- achievement <text>– Achieve your dream Minecraft Achievement
- ascii <text>– Speak in ascii! (14 characters MAX)
- avatar <@mention>– Get either you or a person you ping’s avatar!
- bam <@mention>– BAM THEM ALL!
- birb- Get a random birb img from r/birbs
- botinfo- See Info about me!
- brock- Get brock’s social info
- bunny- Get a random bunny img from r/Rabbits
- candy <@mention>– Give you or someone else a candy!
- cat- Get a random cat img from
- clap <text>– sPeak?lIKe?THIS
- csgo <steamusername>– Get player stats from CSGO tracker
- dadjoke- Get a random dad joke
- dog- Get a random dog img from
- embed <text>– Embed your text
- emoji <:emoji:>– Get a full size img of the emoji
- emojify <text>– Speak in letter emojis
- emojiids- List the emojis and ids on the server
- emojis- Sends every emoji on the server
- f <text>– Pay your respects!
- help- The Help Cmd. (Nuff Said.)
- hug <@mention>– Hug a user with a gif!
- info- General Info
- invite- Invite me to your server!
- lmgtfy <text>– Let Me Google That For You
- meme- Get a random meme!
- michi- Get MichiyoIino’s social info
- minesweeper- Play minesweeper in using discord spoilers!
- ok- Ok.
- oof- Should I OOF?
- pat <@mention>– Pat a user with a gif!
- ping- PONGms
- poke <@mention>– Poke a user with a gif!
- poll <text>– Reacts to the message with a ? and ?
- qrcreate <text>– Create a QR code with the text/link you specify
- reddit <subreddit>– Pull a random picture from your selected subreddit
- retriox- Show the info for Retriox
- rimshot- Ba Dum Tss
- roleinfo <rolename>– Shows info about the specified role
- say <text>– I’ll say whatever you want!
- scrtmsg- I’ll say whatever you want but with spoiler txt!
- serverinfo- Show info about the current server
- shit- Shit.
- site- Shows my site!
- slap <@mention>– Slap a user with a gif!
- slots- Fuel your gambling addiction!
- spat- Several People Are Typing Intensifies
- uptime- Show how long I’ve been online!
- userinfo <@mention>– Show info about you or the person you mention
- vg- Get Robbin’s social info
- weather <city or zip code>– I’ll send the weather for wherever you specify
- weed- 420
- zach- Get Zach’’s social info
Voice Channel Commands
- intro- Play Brock’s intro in current VC
- ono- Oh No.
- oldintro- Play Brock’s old intro in current VC